Equinano Englisch

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All forms of life need silicon. Human beings as well as animals need this dietary mineral for the build-up and preservation of bones, cartilage, connective tissue, skin, hair and nails, horns, hoofs and feathers. Plants, too, use this essential substance as a constituent of the supporting tissue and for building resistance against diseases and pests.

Unfortunately, with age, not only does the proportion of silicon in the body reduce, but apparently also the form. In the young body, silicon is present in a soluble form, which contributes to greater tightness and flexibility. The inactive form of the silicon should get deposited in the organisms of older individuals primarily in the hair and horns.
The metabolism of silicon is controlled via corticoids, sexual and the thyroid gland hormones. In this manner, the option of absorbing silicon reduces in old age. As a result, the reduction in the quality and quantity of the silicon in the body leads to changes. The elasticity of the arteries diminishes, there are incidences of arteriosclerosis and skin changes, cartilage damage, weakness in the tendons and ligaments, eczema and itching. But even in young organisms, deficiency of silicon can lead to growth problems, hair loss, brittle hoofs and horns, bleeding of gums and inflammation in the mouth.

In our food supplements, zeolite has been added successfully as a carrier for nano particles. Natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) is known in many countries for its probiotic and prebiotic effect. In the process, the known chemical and physical properties of zeolite as a valuable silicon mineral remain in the foreground: Zeolite serves as an ion exchanger, works as a functional carrier for adsorption, binds free radicals, has an anti-toxic effect, stimulates the protein metabolism and prevents diseases of the hoof.

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